Welcome To My BLOG



Welcome to my BLOG!

We would like to give you a warm welcome to this blog of getintoadigitalworld.com!!

Nice to have you here and we hope to provide you with relevant information frequently about our journey and experiences.

We will focus this blog on the digital transformation and globalization we all are facing currently. Our goal will be to let you be part of a journey we are working on and to share valuable information about how you can profit from our experiences.

There is happening a lot on a global basis and we will address these global subjects:

  • Technology progression
  • Global distribution
  • Saving the environment
  • Clean energy

besides sharing our experience in digital marketing as entrepreneurs by heart.

Therefore we would be very happy about you, sharing your experiences in a rapidly changing world too.

Any questions, please contact us!!


Digital Marketer Corner

Buzzsumo extracted trigrams (3 words) from the headlines of 1 million random articles from top publishers.

Here is the list of top-performing trigrams in terms of social shares on Facebook:

#7. You should never
#6. Can we guess
#5. X photos that
#4. How well do
#3. Make you laugh
#2. X signs you’re
#1. X pictures that

And on Twitter:
#7. First time in
#6. The rise of
#5. The art of
#4. History of the
#3. You can now
#2. The case for
#1. The science of


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